This is a PDF file of a fact sheet for the Intake Protection Zone (IPZ) 1 and 2 around the Lake Huron Primary Water Supply in Port Blake, north of Grand Bend.
This is a PDF file of a map for the Intake Protection Zone (IPZ) 1 and 2 around the Lake Huron Primary Water Supply in Port Blake, north of Grand Bend.
This is a PDF file of a fact sheet for the Intake Protection Zone (IPZ) 1 and 2 around the Port of the Town of Goderich surface water intake.
This is a 1 mb (large) PDF file of a fact sheet about how to clean green to protect your septic system and the water of the people of your community.
This is a 200 kb (medium-sized) PDF file of fact sheets about mandatory septic inspections in the Maitland Valley and Ausable Bayfield source protection areas, where the storage of sewage is assessed as a significant threat to drinking water. These inspections are required through the Ontario Building Code.
This is a 1 mb (large) PDF file of a brochure about septic systems and how you can protect your septic system and the water people in your community drink. This is a Conservation Ontario product adapted for use in the Maitland Valley and Ausable Bayfield source protection areas.
This is a 100-kb (small) PDF file of questions for you to find out how much you know about your septic system.
This is a 1.1 mb (large) PDF file of a brochure about how to landscape and select plants in order not to harm your septic system. This is adapted for use in this region from materials in the program of the Township of Huron-Kinloss.
This 1.1 mb (large) PDF file is a Province of Ontario brochure called Your Septic System: Protecting Your Investment and the Environment.
This is a 300 kb (medium-sized) PDF file of a two-page fact sheet about fuel storage.
This is a 300 kb (medium-sized) PDF file of a two-page fact sheet about organic solvents and dense non-aqueous phase liquids (DNAPLs).
This is a 300-kb (medium-sized) PDF file of a two-page fact sheet about managing drinking water threats from waste and hazardous waste activities.
This is a 200 kb (medium-size) PDF file about the activities which can be significant threats to drinking water, in certain circumstances, and in wellhead protection areas. This fact sheet also provides information on how these activities can be managed to protect municipal drinking water sources.
This is a 3 mb (very large) PDF file of a booklet about Drinking Water Source Protection 101. This content is for local information purposes, is provisional, and subject to change.
This is a 400 kb (medium-sized) PDF file of the folder available to store files and information materials for drinking water source protection.
This is a localized version of a Conservation Ontario product. This is a 700 kb (large) PDF file of a one-page fact sheet about dense non-aqueous phase liquids (DNAPLs).
This is a 500 kb (medium-sized) PDF file of a fact sheet brochure about keeping chemicals, including dense non-aqueous phase liquids or DNAPLs, light non-aqueous phase liquids or LNAPLs, organic solvents, hydrocarbons, etc. out of our drinking water sources.
This is a 2 mb (large) PDF file of a Conservation Ontario fact sheet on home heating oil and fuel storage, adapted for the Ausable Bayfield Maitland Valley Drinking Water Source Protection Region.
This is a 500 kb (medium-sized) PDF file of a brochure about managing and reducing risk to drinking water sources in the Ausable Bayfield Maitland Valley Source Protection Region.
This is a 300-kb (small) PDF file of a provisional fact sheet about Prescribed Instruments as a tool to reduce risk to drinking water sources. Also – the 21 activities or conditions that can threaten drinking water sources.
This is a 500 kb (medium-sized) PDF file of a print brochure with information about vulnerability and risk and protection of drinking water sources in the Ausable Bayfield Maitland Valley Drinking Water Source Protection Region.

Cover of Good Practices for Winter Maintenance
This is a 4 MB (large-sized) PDF file of the Good Practices for Winter Maintenance in Salt Vulnerable Areas guide.
This is a 300 kb (medium-sized) PDF file of a two-page fact sheet about drinking water threats from snow storage and salt storage and application activities.
This is a 300 kb (medium-sized) PDF document of a fact sheet about the 22 activities and conditions that can pose a threat to drinking water sources. It also provides examples.
This is a 1 mb (large) PDF file of a brochure for the Ausable Bayfield Source Protection Area about protecting drinking water sources in the Ausable Bayfield Source Protection Area.
This is a 2.19 mb (very large) PDF file of a brochure about how to protect drinking water sources in highly vulnerable aquifers and significant groundwater recharge areas of the Maitland Valley Source Protection Area.
This is a 2 mb (large) PDF file of a brochure about intake protection zones and how you can help protect municipal drinking water where the source is from Lake Huron.
This is a 200 kb (medium-sized) PDF file of a fact sheet about what highly vulnerable aquifers are and how you can protect water sources there.
This is a 200 kb (medium-sized) PDF file of a fact sheet about significant groundwater recharge areas and how you can protect municipal drinking water sources there.
This is a 1 mb (large) PDF file of a brochure about what municipal wellhead protection areas are and why we need to reduce risk to water in these areas.
This is a 115 kb (small) PDF file of a one-page fact sheet about grants and incentives for stewardship projects that help to protect drinking water sources.

A photo of cover of private wells fact sheet.
This is a 100 KB (medium-sized) PDF file of a fact sheet about private wells and best practices for source water protection.