Well owners may know that having well water tested is an important part of ensuring their family, friends and neighbours are safe but they may find it isn’t always as convenient as they would like. Getting a sample bottle locally and having someone deliver it to Huron Perth Public Health for them, makes it much easier, according to organizers of water wise well testing events.
The Londesboro and District Lions Club is hosting a water sampling event on Thursday, January 25, 2024 between 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. at Lions Hall, 282 Kings Road. Lions members are distributing sample bottles to homes in Londesborough prior to the event. Water testing sample bottles are also available for pickup, in advance of the event, at Nature’s Nest and Hensall District Co-op’s Londesborough locations. Sample bottles will be available at the event as well.
The Londesboro and District Lions Club is working with drinking water source protection to host the event. The Lions Club volunteers and source protection staff ensure samples are kept chilled and delivered to Huron Perth Public Health for testing the next morning. Experts on well protection and septic maintenance are to be available to provide information and answer questions at the event.
The Londesboro and District Lions Club encourages well owners to take advantage of this convenient way to check on the safety of their well water. When water sampling of private wells is made easier, more people will do it. That’s the idea behind the ‘Water Wise’ events happening in some villages, hamlets and shoreline communities in the Ausable Bayfield Maitland Valley Source Protection Region.
In case of extreme winter weather, the snow date is January 29, 2024. Please follow the Londesboro and District Lions Club Facebook page for updates.
Other community groups who might be interested in partnering or hosting a ‘Water Wise’ water sampling event can contact Mary Lynn MacDonald, Source Water Protection Program Co-Supervisor, by email or by phone (519-235-2610, or toll-free 1-888-286-2610, extension 247).
To learn more, visit the local drinking water source protection best practices web page. The region is sharing information about the events on social media with #BestPractices and #WellWise and #WaterWise and #TestProtectMaintain hashtags.

Social media post for well water testing event in Londesborough.