Alyssa Keller to join Ausable Bayfield Maitland Valley Drinking Water Source Protection Committee (SPC)
An Exeter woman, Alyssa Keller, is the new public-at-large representative on the Ausable Bayfield Maitland Valley Drinking Water Source Protection Committee (SPC). The SPC works to create policies to protect local sources of municipal drinking water from possible threats such as fuel, chemicals, nutrients, pesticides, livestock grazing, and hazardous waste in areas near the wells.
SPC Chair Matt Pearson welcomed the new public-at-large representative to the committee. “The Source Protection Committee is undergoing a transition, not only in size, but in membership, as we recently had a number of retirements,” he said. “These make way for new members who bring different outlooks and ideas … Alyssa will offer a new generational perspective that can only add to our discussions as we work to protect this valuable resource.”
Alyssa Keller works for Jacobs Engineering Group Inc. as Water and Wastewater Operator. She previously worked for Municipality of South Huron with the Transportation Services and Environmental Services Department. She has an Honours B.A. in Environmental Studies and Family Studies from the University of Western Ontario, specializing in groundwater hydrology, water analysis, and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) mapping. She is also a current member of the Municipality of South Huron Climate Change Adaptation Advisory Committee. She also volunteers her time coaching soccer.
The newest committee member thanked the local source protection authority for choosing her as the new public representative. “I am really excited to be a part of the committee,” she said. “I am looking forward to sharing ideas on water protection and generating interest from a younger generation. Water protection is essential to my current occupation in water treatment and it is vital to our future.”
There are now 12 members of the source protection committee. This is a reduction from 15 members. The size has been reduced to reflect the current workload of committee members during this phase of the source protection program.
The 2020 committee includes Chair Matt Pearson and the following members: Municipal – Allan Rothwell (East); David Blaney (Central); Myles Murdock (North); Dave Frayne (South West); Economic – Philip Keightley (Commerce); Bert Dykstra (Agriculture); Mary Ellen Foran (Agriculture); Other – John Graham (Environment); Jennette Walker (Environment); Ian Brebner (Property Owner); and Alyssa Keller (Public-at-Large).
To find out more visit the Ausable Bayfield Maitland Valley Source Protection Region website at

Alyssa Keller, new public representative on source protection committee