Drinking Water Source Protection Committee
Calendar – Schedule of Ausable Bayfield Maitland Valley (ABMV) Drinking Water Source Protection Committee (SPC) Meetings
Upcoming meetings
The next meeting of the Ausable Bayfield Maitland Valley Drinking Water Source Protection Committee (SPC) is tentatively scheduled for September 2025 (date to be determined) at White Carnation Banquet Hall, 79867 Parr Line, Holmesville.
In case of inclement winter weather, meetings may be held by video conference (Zoom).
To attend an SPC meeting please contact Elizabeth at 519-235-2610 or toll-free 1-888-286-2610, extension 240.
Meeting Minutes
For minutes of the Source Protection Committee please visit this link:
Documents are available in alternate formats upon request.
About the Source Protection Committee
The committee reduces risk to drinking water in the Maitland Valley and Ausable Bayfield source protection areas. The SPC does this by putting into action locally developed and provincially approved source protection plans.
Committee Composition
The Ausable Bayfield Maitland Valley Drinking Water Source Protection Committee (SPC) is made up of 12 voting members plus the Chairperson.
There are also non-voting liaison members from public health, source protection authorities, and the Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP).
There are now 12 members of the source protection committee.
This is a reduction from 15 members.
The size has been reduced, effective in 2020, to reflect the current workload of committee members during this phase of the source protection program.
The committee includes Chair and the following voting members:
Municipal – Four (4): East; Central; North; South West
Economic – Four (4): Agriculture (2); Industry (1); Commerce (1)
Other – Four (4): Environment (2); Property Owner (1); Public-at-large (1).
The Source Protection Committee for this region was Ontario’s first.
The composition of the committee reflected a local process and also met the requirements of the Ontario Clean Water Act, 2006 and accompanying regulations.
The committee held its first meeting on October 25, 2007.
As per Ontario Regulation 288/07, Sections 14 (3) and 15 (2), please find posted this link for the Ausable Bayfield Maitland Valley (ABMV) Source Protection Region (SPR) Source Protection Committee (SPC) Governing Rules of Procedure; Code of Conduct Policy; and Conflict of Interest Policy – Governing Rules of Procedure; Code of Conduct; and Conflict of Interest policy, amended May 2020, for the Ausable Bayfield Maitland Valley (ABMV) Drinking Water Source Protection Committee (SPC)
The make-up of the committee is shaped by the source protection committee regulation (Ontario Regulation 288/07) and by a local process that took place to decide how to include diverse voices at the committee table. One third of the committee is from municipalities.
One third of the committee (four members) comes from economic sectors. Locally, two of those four economic member seats are from agriculture and the other two are from industry and commerce, including tourism.
The other third of the committee represents Other – Environmental, Health, and other interests of the general public (including one property owner representative; one public-at-large representative for the two source protection areas; and two environmental sector representatives).
To find out more visit www.sourcewaterinfo.on.ca and www.ontario.ca.
You may also call Donna Clarkson, Program Supervisors at 519-235-2610 or email dclarkson@abca.ca or phone Tim toll-free 1-888-286-2610.
The voting members from your community represent:
- Municipalities — Four members (East; Central; North; South West)
- Agriculture — Two members
- Environment — Two members
- Industry — One member
- Commerce — One member
- Public-at-large — Maitland Valley and Ausable Bayfield Watersheds — One member
- Property owners — One member
There are also non-voting liaisons from:
- Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP)
- Maitland Valley Source Protection Authority
- Ausable Bayfield Source Protection Authority
- Public health
Here are your source protection committee members:

Allan Rothwell
Municipalities – East (Howick; Mapleton; Minto; North Perth; Perth East; Wellington North)

Dave Frayne
Municipalities – South-West (Central Huron; Bluewater; South Huron; West Perth; Perth South; Lambton Shores; North Middlesex; Adelaide Metcalfe; Warwick; Middlesex Centre; Lucan Biddulph)

John Thompson
Municipalities – North (Ashfield-Colborne-Wawanosh; Goderich; Huron-Kinloss; South Bruce)

- Job Description – Source Protection Committee Member – Ausable Bayfield Maitland Valley Source Protection Region (2022)(PDF file)
- Summary of Obligations – Committee Member
- Rules of Procedure; Code of Conduct; and Conflict of Interest policy – Approved November 28, 2007; Amended November 22, 2019; Amended May 27, 2020
As per, Ontario Regulation 288/07 (O. Reg. 288/07) for Source Protection Committees, under the Ontario Clean Water Act, 2006, S.O. 2006, c. 22:
List of appointments
10. Every source protection authority that establishes a source protection committee shall publish notice of every appointment to the committee on the Internet and shall maintain an up-to-date list of the members of the committee on the Internet, including a brief biography of each member. O. Reg. 288/07, s. 10.
Notices of Appointments (links to Notices):
- Notice: New municipal representative appointed
- Notice: New industry representative appointed
- Notice: New public-at-large member appointed
- Notice: New representative from environmental sector to join Ausable Bayfield Maitland Valley Drinking Water Source Protection Committee (SPC)
- Notice: Two new municipal representatives have joined the Ausable Bayfield Maitland Valley Drinking Water Source Protection Committee (SPC) – The new committee members are Dave Frayne and Allan Rothwell.
- Notice: Two new representatives from agriculture sector join Ausable Bayfield Maitland Valley Drinking Water Source Protection Committee – (SPC)
- Notice: Six new members on committee
- Notice of call for applications to fill five vacancies on committee – September 30, 2019
Click on photo gallery on this page for biographies of source protection committee members.
Job Description – Source Protection Committee (SPC) Member – Ausable Bayfield Maitland Valley Drinking Water Source Protection Region
(Effective December 2022)
Download the job description:
- Job Description – Source Protection Committee Member – Ausable Bayfield Maitland Valley Source Protection Region (2022)(PDF file)
Summary of Member Obligations – Ausable Bayfield Maitland Valley (ABMV) Drinking Water Source Protection Committee (SPC)
Member obligations include adherence to the Governing Rules of Procedure; Code of Conduct; and Conflict of Interest rules (November 28, 2007, Amended November 22, 2019) available at www.sourcewaterinfo.on.ca:
- A three-year commitment to participate.
- Attend ~four meetings per year.
- Attend training sessions.
- Job Description – Source Protection Committee Member – Ausable Bayfield Maitland Valley Source Protection Region (2022)(PDF file)
For Summary of Functions see also #40 (Governing Rules of Procedure).
Source protection plan policies address a list of 22 activities (such as fuel or chemical storage, among others) in four types of vulnerable areas. The four vulnerable areas are wellhead protection areas which are zones to protect municipal wells and the groundwater that supplies them; surface water intake protection zones; significant groundwater recharge areas; and highly vulnerable aquifers.
People may find the maps of these areas by visiting sourcewaterinfo.on.ca. Threat activities may be assessed as low, moderate or significant threats to municipal drinking water sources. In this region, significant threats to drinking water are found only in wellhead protection areas A, B, and C. The policies in those relatively small vulnerable areas reduce risk by using tools ranging from education and outreach, to risk management plans, to restricted land uses, or prohibition of some activities.
To find out if you are in a vulnerable area near a municipal well, use the interactive maps, or read a fact sheet on one of the 26 municipal well systems of the region, at sourcewaterinfo.on.ca.
You are invited to review the page on your community’s well, consult a detailed map of wellhead protection areas, and read a fact sheet that lets you know about the water source and treatment, explains the wellhead protection areas, and provides ways to protect these local drinking water sources.
If you would like to learn if plan policies apply to you, or how you can protect local drinking water sources, visit the website at sourcewaterinfo.on.ca or phone toll-free 1-888-286-2610 or email info@sourcewaterinfo.on.ca.
For Summary of Functions go to #40 below and job description.
Notice Archives:
For most recent Notices, including Notices of Service Disruptions, visit the news page and this link:
Notice of call for applications to fill five vacancies on committee
Source Protection Committee Minutes:
Source protection committee minutes are located on the Minutes page: Minutes of Source Protection Committee
Past minutes of source protection committee meetings are available upon request.
Terms of Reference
The Terms of Reference were approved, following consultation with the public, for the preparation of the source protection plans.